50 Verbos Frasais em Inglês que Você Precisa Conhecer

Os verbos frasais são uma parte essencial da língua inglesa. Formados pela combinação de um verbo com uma preposição ou advérbio, eles muitas vezes mudam completamente o significado original do verbo. Conhecer esses verbos é fundamental para alcançar a fluência e compreender melhor o inglês falado no dia a dia. Aqui estão 50 verbos frasais que você precisa conhecer e praticar:

  1. Break down – quebrar, parar de funcionar
    Exemplo: My car broke down on the way to work.
  2. Bring up – mencionar, criar (alguém)
    Exemplo: She brought up an interesting point during the meeting.
    Exemplo 2: They brought up their children in the countryside.
  3. Call off – cancelar
    Exemplo: They called off the match due to bad weather.
  4. Carry on – continuar
    Exemplo: Despite the interruptions, she carried on with her presentation.
  5. Come across – encontrar por acaso
    Exemplo: I came across an old photo of us at the beach.
  6. Cut off – cortar, interromper
    Exemplo: The phone call was cut off in the middle of our conversation.
  7. Drop by – dar uma passada, visitar sem aviso prévio
    Exemplo: If you’re in the area, feel free to drop by my office.
  8. Figure out – descobrir, resolver
    Exemplo: It took me a while, but I finally figured out the solution.
  9. Get along (with) – dar-se bem com alguém
    Exemplo: Do you get along with your coworkers?
  10. Give up – desistir
    Exemplo: After several failed attempts, he finally gave up.
  11. Look after – cuidar de
    Exemplo: Can you look after my dog while I’m away?
  12. Look forward to – aguardar ansiosamente
    Exemplo: I’m really looking forward to the holidays this year.
  13. Make up – inventar, reconciliar-se
    Exemplo: She made up a story to explain why she was late.
    Exemplo 2: They finally made up after their argument.
  14. Pass away – falecer
    Exemplo: His grandfather passed away last year.
  15. Pick up – pegar, buscar, aprender algo novo
    Exemplo: I’ll pick you up at 7 pm.
    Exemplo 2: He picked up French while living in Paris.
  16. Put off – adiar
    Exemplo: They decided to put off the meeting until next week.
  17. Run out (of) – ficar sem
    Exemplo: We ran out of milk, could you buy some?
  18. Set up – configurar, montar
    Exemplo: We need to set up the projector before the presentation.
  19. Take after – parecer-se com alguém
    Exemplo: She takes after her mother in both looks and personality.
  20. Take off – decolar, remover (roupa)
    Exemplo: The plane took off an hour late.
    Exemplo 2: He took off his jacket because it was too hot.
  21. Turn down – recusar, abaixar (volume)
    Exemplo: They offered him the job, but he turned it down.
    Exemplo 2: Can you turn down the music? It’s too loud.
  22. Turn up – aparecer, aumentar (volume)
    Exemplo: She turned up late for the meeting.
    Exemplo 2: Could you turn up the heat? It’s freezing in here.
  23. Work out – exercitar-se, dar certo, resolver
    Exemplo: I try to work out three times a week.
    Exemplo 2: I hope everything works out for you in the end.
  24. Come up with – inventar, criar uma ideia
    Exemplo: She came up with a brilliant idea for the project.
  25. Get over – superar
    Exemplo: It took her a long time to get over the breakup.
  26. Run into – encontrar por acaso
    Exemplo: I ran into an old friend at the supermarket.
  27. Give in – ceder
    Exemplo: After hours of arguing, he finally gave in.
  28. Hold on – esperar
    Exemplo: Could you hold on for a second while I grab my phone?
  29. Look into – investigar, examinar
    Exemplo: We’re looking into the issue and will provide an update soon.
  30. Turn in – entregar, ir para a cama
    Exemplo: She turned in her assignment right before the deadline.
    Exemplo 2: I’m exhausted, I think I’ll turn in for the night.
  31. Take up – começar a fazer algo regularmente
    Exemplo: He took up painting after he retired.
  32. Back up – apoiar, fazer uma cópia de segurança
    Exemplo: Could you back me up during the meeting?
    Exemplo 2: Don’t forget to back up your files before updating the software.
  33. Catch up (with) – alcançar, ficar em dia
    Exemplo: I need to catch up on my emails after the vacation.
  34. Drop off – deixar alguém em algum lugar, diminuir
    Exemplo: Can you drop me off at the station?
    Exemplo 2: Sales tend to drop off in the winter months.
  35. Fall apart – desmoronar, acabar
    Exemplo: Their relationship fell apart after a big argument.
  36. Get by – se virar, sobreviver
    Exemplo: I don’t earn much, but I get by.
  37. Go on – continuar, acontecer
    Exemplo: Please go on with your story.
    Exemplo 2: What’s going on here?
  38. Look out – tomar cuidado
    Exemplo: Look out! There’s a car coming!
  39. Put up with – tolerar, aguentar
    Exemplo: I don’t know how she puts up with his behavior.
  40. Show up – aparecer
    Exemplo: He showed up late to the party.
  41. Stick to – manter-se firme a algo
    Exemplo: We need to stick to the original plan.
  42. Bring back – trazer de volta, recordar
    Exemplo: This song brings back so many memories.
  43. Call back – retornar a ligação
    Exemplo: I’ll call you back after the meeting.
  44. Go over – revisar
    Exemplo: Could we go over the details again?
  45. Let down – decepcionar
    Exemplo: I really trusted you, but you let me down.
  46. Pull over – encostar o carro
    Exemplo: The police asked him to pull over.
  47. Put on – vestir, ligar (aparelho)
    Exemplo: She put on her coat before leaving.
    Exemplo 2: Can you put on some music?
  48. Show off – exibir-se
    Exemplo: He loves to show off his new car.
  49. Turn off – desligar
    Exemplo: Don’t forget to turn off the lights before you leave.
  50. Write down – anotar
    Exemplo: Can you write down the address for me?

Esses são apenas alguns dos muitos verbos frasais usados no inglês cotidiano. Praticar e familiarizar-se com eles pode ajudar você a soar mais natural e confiante ao falar o idioma!

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